Lab Space
Table of contents
Our lab is located on the 3rd floor of the Psychology Building, McMaster Main campus.

Student Office #1
There are two offices in the lab space. These offices are areas for students to work and have meetings. There are several computers and printers for students to use for research-related purposes. There is also a projector that may be used for small group meetings.
Student Office #2
Kitchen area
The lab is also equipped with a kitchen for lab members to use. Be sure to keep this space clean!
Reception area
There is a reception space in the lab where children and infants can play with toys while they are waiting for the researchers to set up the study.
fNIRS Testing Room
The fNIRS system consists of a cap that is placed on the participant’s scalp to measure changes in hemoglobin concentration in the brain. The fNIRS system is connected to a computer that records and stores the data collected during the experiment.
Eye-Tracking Testing Room
The lab has an eye-tracker for conducting experiments that involve tracking the movement of the eyes during visual perception and cognitive processing. Inside the room, there is a desk or table where the participant sits in front of a computer screen. The computer is adjustable to accommodate participants of different heights and ensure that the participant’s eyes are at the correct distance from the eye tracker. The eye tracker consists of a camera that follows the eye movement of the participant and stores the data.
Multi-Purpose Room
The lab has a room that can be used for a variety of purposes such as behavioral observation and filming stimuli. When this room is used for behavioral observation, it provides a controlled environment for observing child behavior and development. The room allows researchers to observe and collect data on the child’s behavior and interactions with the environment, which can provide valuable insights into their cognitive, social, and emotional development.
Accessing the Space
Access Card
Please ensure that you bring your access cards to enter the lab space. Hold your access card against the black box beside the door that grants access to the experimentation section of the building until a green light appears.
Once you enter this section of the 3rd floor, turn right and walk down to the end of the hall. The first door in front of you, as well as the door to your right will lead to our lab space. If you don’t have a card/forget to bring it please call the lab space to have someone bring you in.
Do not lend your access card to anybody else, especially not to anyone who is not a member of our lab.
Every time your access card is used, your MacID is registered and recorded.
This also means that you should not be using your access card to allow other students who are not part of our lab and are not participants, into the lab space.
If you lose your access card, please contact Dr. Xiao and register for a new one as soon as possible. We will work to deactivate your existing card so that it may no longer be used to enter our lab space and a new one will be created for you.
The key to the lab space is stored in the lock box. As soon as you open the door, immediately put the key back into the lockbox.
Do not share the lockbox code to our lock box with anyone outside of the lab.